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Postal with Silver Distributor Award

Like December, it’s winter, and like winter, it’s presents. This time, however, Santa visited us a little earlier and generously awarded us for our exemplary partnership.

So: we became a Silver Distributor of the Locinox brand.


The certificate awarded to us means that:

  • we are constantly expanding our offer with products from the gate and fence industry.
  • we regularly deepen our knowledge of the latest technologies,
  • we systematically participate in product training,
  • we offer a wide range of solutions in the category of access control,
  • we are happy to advise – help customers before, after and during the sale.


The award, which we are proud to announce we have won, does not mean, however, that we intend to rest on our laurels. We already plan to reach for gold in the coming year – keep your fingers crossed for us.


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