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Corporate Social Responsibility


At Postal Steel Group, we are not indifferent. The idea of supporting sportsmen and women or people of art has accompanied us from the very beginning. Over the years, we have sponsored such athletes as Szymon Ziolkowski and the handball section of WKS Grunwald.

Recently we have been focusing mainly on sponsoring the youngest. Golf and cycling – the successes of juniors and the joy they bring are our greatest joy. We believe that we make a difference and give: a reason to smile and an injection of motivation.


Cycling Club Tarnovia

Promotion of sport, initiatives supporting the development and participation in numerous sports events.

Heart in Przeźmierowo

In 2021 we joined the Twisted Action, that is collecting bottle tops for Antosia.


PIX.HOUSE studio is a place of exhibitions, meetings, workshops - in short: a place of education.

Black Water GC

Black Water golf course and support for the youngest.

Krzysztof Ślachciak

Krzysztof Ślachciak specialises in portraits, conceptual sessions, architecture and product photography.

Kalinowe Pola GC

Ideal for nature lovers, it was created for all golf enthusiasts - both experienced and beginners.
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